Thanks for the pix, Uncle Dave!
I have alot to be thankful for this year. A great job, a new house and two beautiful and loving kitties. Lastly, a family who comes together not only for the good times but more importantly during the bad times. This year has been challenging for us as Por Por was moved to a nursing home. So what to do to celebrate Thanksgiving? Well, we all go to the nursing home! I realized it doesn't matter where it takes place, our family (4 brothers, wives, kids and kid's kids) united to be there for Por Por. Who knows how many more days, months or years we'll have with her? All in all, I would say a successful Thanksgiving. Por Por smiled!
Thanks for the pix, Uncle Dave!
So it was way past time for me to swap out the dead mums for a holiday type of arrangement at Mom's grave. You would think she orchestrated today's weather so I wouldn't freeze my ass off. It was almost 60 degrees today! Let's just say Mom knows how much I hate the I'd like to think it's her looking out for me as usual. Visited Por Por the last couple of days and her attitude has gotten worse. Now she's feeling sorry for herself and said no one wants her. She doesn't like it there and wants to go home or back to China. Thanks goodness my Uncle Dave was there and talked her off the ledge. Anyways, let's hope she feels better about being there.. Can't believe Thanksgiving is coming up! WTF? 2014 is almost done. Dad is still in China/HK - who knows what he's up to. But he's back the day before Thanksgiving. I believe this year Thanksgiving will be at the nursing home. It's funny, every time I leave the nursing home, an "old folks" smell stays with me. Can't really describe it - musty, mediciney, BO, or a liittle bit of pee pee? I didn't get that at South Cove Manor in Quincy. Yay, Por Por recognized me today and last Thursday. So it was probably confusing when she moved in. Though she still have moments where she thinks she is going home. I picked up a donut and a filet-o-fish for her but she was having lunch when I dropped by. She had a pretty good appetite so that is promising.
I was sitting with her for awhile and I suddenly noticed she was tearing up. I haven't seen my Por Por cry since my grandfather passed! So I thought I should capture it on film...come to find out she's worried about my Dad. That he is alone cos he has no wife. But he shouldn't re-marry cos then he would have to support a new wife. Then she lectured me and how I need to take care of him and my brother. I told her not to worry....and then in an instant she asked where were we having Thanksgiving? And who was paying? So I knew she was ok..... And then, there were two female residents debating who farted.....and a male resident who was taken away by a nurse cos he stood over me and Por and just stared at us. Life at Roscommon, day 5! I visited Por Por tonite at her new digs - Roscommon in West Roxbury. For the first time she didn't recognize me. That almost broke my heart. But gradually she remembered. I imagine the move was traumatic. She seem more confused than usual.
She was served dinner while I was there. Scrambled eggs, rice and veggie medley Ummm, maybe I should've gotten her a filet-o-fish from McDonalds? Obviously there is no comparison to South Cove Manor in Quincy. It's a brand new facility. And Roscommon....basically it's like a hospital ward. Not the nicest yet not the worst either. Unfortunately, there's no available bed at South Cove so we don't have a choice for now. The staff have assured us that they will do their best in getting Por back there. In the meantime, we have to make the best of things. Hopefully, Por won't remember and will adapt. As we all are.....not easy for us to see her in that environment and surely not easy for her, poor Por Por. |
May 2022
AuthorI'm fortunate enough to have an awesome job at a biotech company. I'm also blessed to have the bestest of friends in the world - from Castle Square, ATASK, and Jamie Club - you know who you are! Last but not least, I have a family that are always there for me. Categories |