Well, here's what happened last week when we went dancing - this guy was dancing with us throughout the night. I think he was Italian and was drunk. I sat down and he comes over to talk to me. He says he loves the "Orientals"! WTF? I don't know when was the last time I heard that word? So I told him that we don't use that term anymore. I wasn't offended, just surprised. Plus I thought it was funny. I asked him where was he from cos I thought maybe he would say some place out in the boonies. And he says Malden! MALDEN??? So I said there's alot of Chinese people there. And he replies "Yea, there are two orientals living next to me". I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head at the same time. And then when he brings up Bruce Lee....well then you know people are trying to relate to my Asian heritage by bringing up Bruce Lee. LMAO. He said he hates some kung fu movies because they dumb down the Orientals. Ok, why does this always happens to me??
I really can't take offense at him, I honestly think he doesn't know better. Even tho he lives in Malden. I did my part in trying to school him. But he was drunk and probably won't remember. One of my 'white" friends at work said he's surprised at how well I took it. Cos some people would've been upset. There are more serious issues to be upset about than this idiot.